
Healing For the Fractured Soul Session 15: How to Be Your Own Best Friend

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Healing For the Fractured Soul Session 15: How to Be Your Own Best Friend

Healing For the Fractured Soul Session 15: How to Be Your Own Best Friend

Life is hard, even harder when it seems we are all alone.

What do we do when we don't have anyone to turn to who can lift us up, encourage us, or even let us know when we are missing the mark?

Sometimes even our closest friends or family may be going through tough times themselves, and your former go-to person is simply unavailable for advice.

You've got to be your own best friend.

David understood this when he wrote, "Why are you downcast oh my soul, hope thou in God, for I will yet praise Him." How can we access the part of us that will lead us to Christ and His answers every time?

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