Former Foreign Ministry Secretary on India sending notice to Pakistan regarding Indus Water Treaty

Former Foreign Ministry Secretary on India sending notice to Pakistan regarding Indus Water Treaty
On Asking about India Serve formal notice to Pakistan on Indus Water Treaty, former secretary of ministry of external affairs Rajiv Sikri replied that, ‘we have been quite unhappy with the functioning of indus water treaty and because whenever we tried to do any project on western rivers jhelum, chenab and indus even though the water used for irrigation purposes have to be use by pakistan.
Pakistan has always created obstacles and many of our hydroelectric projects have been delayed or have not taken off because of this.
Under the treaty there are provisions that two sides should meet and discuss the matter and if it cannot be resolved between the experts of two sides then we should go for a neutral expert and if that does not work we should go for arbitration.
#induswatertreaty #india #pakistan #jhelum #chenab #ministryofexternalaffairs