
You Don't Hate the Media Enough | WMD #212

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
You Don't Hate the Media Enough | WMD #212

You Don't Hate the Media Enough | WMD #212

A second attempt was made on Trump's life this past week and for the miniscule amount of coverage the mainstream media gave it over a barely 48-hour news cycle, most of that time was dedicated to manufacturing the narrative that Trump is to blame for unhinged leftists and regular MSNBC consumers constantly trying to kill him.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Hillary Clinton (of all people) took this opportune moment to shill her next memoir and complain to Rachel Maddow that the media isn't tough enough on Trump.

It appears that the media's sole purpose (other than groveling to the powerful) is to warp reality into some funhouse version, 180 degrees from the truth.

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Credit: RumblePublished