
Action Radio 10/8/24, HAARP - Ionosphere Analysis or Hurricane Creation???

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Action Radio 10/8/24, HAARP - Ionosphere Analysis or Hurricane Creation???

Action Radio 10/8/24, HAARP - Ionosphere Analysis or Hurricane Creation???

This is going to be interesting.

I'll take it up in the third hour.

I have to leave a bit early, but I'll get this in.

There is a growing belief in a whole host of theories that really need analysis.

The problem, like climate change, which is a Leftist fantasy to achieve totalitarian control, is that conservatives have their own "wish it were true" cultish beliefs, whether or not there is any evidence or logic to it.

They want it to be, so it has to be, and anyone who doesn't believe it, must be flawed and needs to be "educated." This is where the dangers of the Left become desirable to the Right, just without the hidden totalitarian agenda.

So it becomes a cult without a hidden mission, unlike climate change, which is a cult with a hidden mission.

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