Supreme Court's Bulldozer Ruling Explained: 'Illegal Demolition Violate Law & Constitutional Rights'

Supreme Court's Bulldozer Ruling Explained: 'Illegal Demolition Violate Law & Constitutional Rights'
In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India condemned the practice of arbitrary bulldozer demolitions, stating that such actions violate constitutional principles and legal rights.
The court emphasized that the executive cannot act as a judge and must follow due process before demolishing illegal structures.
The ruling also highlighted the need for nationwide guidelines to regulate such actions and protect citizens from arbitrary state power.
Watch this video for a detailed explanation of the Supreme Court's verdict and its implications on property rights and justice.
#SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtBulldozer #BulldozerDemolition #LawAndJustice #ConstitutionalRights #DueProcess #ExecutiveVsJudiciary #YogiAdityanath #BulldozerPolitics #IndianLaw #RuleOfLaw #CourtRuling #PropertyRights #LegalJustice #India ~PR.274~ED.336~ED.101~GR.125~