Let Allah Sort Out Syria

Let Allah Sort Out Syria
We have a unique opportunity to right the ship on foreign policy.
I begin today by calling on Trump to send back all the Syrian refugees now that Sunni forces have taken over.
As for foreign policy, we’re joined today by Kyle Shideler of the Center for Security Policy for a deep dive on the tangled web of actors in Syria.
Kyle notes that the new leader, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, is a very effective terrorist and is worse for us than a weakened Assad.
He believes we should not recognize him at all, nor should we fight his enemies like ISIS.
That is Turkey’s problem.
By simply withdrawing our support for Iran and Turkey and not fighting their enemies on their behalf, we will weaken their influence.
We don’t need to take a side at this point.
Let’s get our soldiers out of these theaters but be prepared to make a play when it makes sense.
In the meantime, let the Kurds fight for themselves and let Israel do what it appears capable of doing on its own.