Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra West residence late Wednesday night. The assailant, who broke into the actor’s home at 2:30 AM, injured Saif while he intervened in a heated argument between the intruder and a staff member. Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery for severe injuries. Kareena Kapoor Khan remains by his side, while their sons, Taimur and Jeh, are safe. Police have launched an investigation to identify and apprehend the attacker.
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Saif Ali Khan, one of India's top Bollywood stars, has had emergency surgery for multiple knife wounds after an attempted robbery at his home. Sky News
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured after an unknown intruder broke into his Bandra flat around 2am and attacked him with a knife. Khan suffered six stab.. IndiaTimes
Pritish Nandy, renowned poet, editor, film producer, Rajya Sabha member, and animal rights activist, passed away at 73 in Mumbai. Known for his work in poetry,.. IndiaTimes
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times after confronting an intruder in his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The intruder fled after a violent altercation,.. IndiaTimes
Home Minister Amit Shah will inaugurate the expansion of the 'Fast Track Immigration-Trusted Traveller Program' to seven more airports on Thursday. Now,.. IndiaTimes
In a historic moment for India's defense sector, Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the commissioning of three advanced naval warships – INS Nilgiri, INS Surat, and INS Vaghsheer. These state-of-the-art combatants mark a significant leap in India’s maritime capabilities, enhancing its self-reliance and strengthening its defense strategy in the Indian Ocean Region.
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