Messiah's Mighty Men - Ep 11 - Finishing the Race

Messiah's Mighty Men - Ep 11 - Finishing the Race
What is more important than starting a race - finishing.
In Luke 14, Yeshua reminds us the importance of counting the cost before we begin any endeavor; what is the cost of following Yeshua you might ask?
In Luke 14:33, Yeshua says: "So therefore whoever of you doesn't renounce all that he has, he can't be my disciple." That's right, being a follower of Yeshua Messiah will require all that you have - your entire life!
In tonight's discussion of Matthew 10:21 - 42, we look at the sobering admonitions and warnings Yeshua gives his disciples, especially those living during the End of the Age.
Learn what to expect, and the rewards that follow those who are faithful in enduring to the end.