
DON ZORRO - 3.17.25

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
DON ZORRO - 3.17.25

DON ZORRO - 3.17.25

Well, it's St.

Patrick's Day - and in honor of that, leave it to Jim to have A PUERTO RICAN GUY on as his guest.

Our friend, intelligence operative and lover of women DON ZORRO, joins us live to shoot the crapola and possibly make fun of the Irish - what, for being bad kissers?

(It's hard to be a good kisser when you're throwing up in someone's mouth...) Then: Radio stations are folding all across the country; meanwhile, Fox News is printing money in the basement.

Can you say "Greg Gutfeld"?... Call us up and tell us how to turn bingo tokens into crypto currency: 325-CALL-JIM (325-225-5546).

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