Black Men Must Adjust To The New Social Media Dating Normal - SMH!

Black Men Must Adjust To The New Social Media Dating Normal - SMH!
It may be trite to say five years on from the advent of the COVID pandemic, but say it we must: We now are firmly rooted in a social media world - and we are not going back.
This sobering fact has permeated every nook and cranny of our lives - with its all-pervasive impact on our dating and mating lives first and foremost.
For Black men, this fact of life becomes particularly acute - and profound - when in the face of yet another sobering fact: That Black women have been documented as using and consuming social media MORE than ANY OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP IN AMERICA(!).
This demands a whole new skill set and set of expectations(!) that Black men must develop in our Brave New World - and we're gonna talk about all of that just in time to kickoff the first weekend of Spring 2025 TODAY ONLY ON RUMBLE!