Two years ago, actress Alankrita Sahai told her story of being robbed at Knief Point by four criminals, which was similar to Saif Ali Khan's experience. She said, ‘You know, I think to be at knife point held for 2 hours in my own house was a..
As cease-fire negotiations continue in Qatar, Israeli airstrikes across Gaza have killed at least 62 Palestinians, including children and journalists. Strikes targeted a family home in Deir al-Balah, a school shelter in Gaza City, and refugee camps in..
Call of Duty Warzone LIVE featuring more aggressive gameplay using the best guns and melee weapon that will help you drop those insane high kill games. Including the no recoil XM4 and CQC gladiator melee which has broken lunge and a fast 2 hit kill...
Game dota 2, but what your watching isnt dota 2, unless i beat Echelon 7 then im playing dota. But for now im doing Echelon 7 where i gotta survive for 13 minutes and kill the final boss. before dota kicks me off
Ukraine claims to have shot down 58 of 80 Russian drones overnight, with attacks killing two in Donetsk. A Russian chemical plant was also hit by a drone strike.
Credit: euronews (in English) Duration: 01:03Published