Mathew Crawford returns to the Courtenay Turner podcast to share his research connecting the dots between the largest bio-terror attack from Rakneesh's cult and the British Royal family.
I have a question for you. Who’s the most powerful family in Britain? Ninety-nine percent of people would say it’s the British royal family. But here’s the shocker. Anyone who gives that answer would be totally wrong. Most people don’t know..
THE KING OF UFOs Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: THE KING OF UFOs: The Monarchy and the UFO Mystique. The film explore the British Royal family's interest in UFOs and the paranormal from the days of Lord Louis Mountbatten, Prince Philip..
As Buckingham Palace dusts off the plans for Operation Menai Bridge — code for King Charles’s funeral plans — rumor has it that the king’s cancer prognosis may not be as hopeful as the British royal family would have us believe. On today’s..