

Department of the government of the United Kingdom

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Ofsted: Department of the government of the United Kingdom
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a non-ministerial department of His Majesty's government, reporting to Parliament. Ofsted's role is to make sure that organisations providing education, training and childcare services in England do so to a high standard for children and students. Ofsted is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools. It also inspects childcare, adoption and fostering agencies and initial teacher training, and regulates early years childcare facilities and children's social care services.


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Education Secretary would have 'probably punched' rude Ofsted inspectors

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has said she would have "probably punched" rude Ofsted staff after hearing about a school's inspection experience. 
Sky News - Published

'No one should feel as Ruth did': Ofsted chief vows changes after headteacher's death

Ofsted's chief inspector has vowed to make changes to the system in the wake of the tragic death of headteacher Ruth Perry.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted should do ungraded inspections after Perry death, says union

Ofsted inspections should be temporarily carried out ungraded to allow the watchdog to focus on reform after the death of headteacher Ruth Perry, a school leaders' union has said.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted inspections paused following headteacher's suicide

Ofsted inspections have been suspended until later this month as plans are put in place for mental health training following the suicide of a headteacher, the watchdog's new boss has said.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted inspection 'likely contributed' to death of headteacher Ruth Perry, coroner says

An Ofsted inspection "likely contributed" to the death of headteacher Ruth Perry, a senior coroner has told an inquest in Reading.
Sky News - Published

Ruth Perry inquest: Ofsted inspectors 'had no set guidance for dealing with distressed headteachers'

Ofsted inspectors did not have specific guidelines on what to do if a headteacher becomes distressed during a review of their school, the inquest into Ruth Perry's death has heard.
Sky News - Published

'Direct link' between headteacher who took her own life and Ofsted inspection, inquest hears

There was a "direct link" between Ofsted's inspection of Caversham Primary School and headteacher Ruth Perry's death, staff at the school have told an inquest.
Sky News - Published

Headteacher who took own life described Ofsted inspector as 'bully'

A headteacher who took her own life felt an Ofsted inspector at her school was a "bully" with an "agenda", her husband has told an inquest into her death.
Sky News - Published

Headteacher who took own life 'very teary' after Ofsted report, inquest hears

A headteacher grew "very, very teary" and had a "strong physical reaction" to being told her school would likely be categorised as "inadequate", an inquest into her death has been told.
Sky News - Published

Children should not be skipping school to join pro-Palestinian protests - Ofsted boss

Children shouldn't be missing school to join pro-Palestinian demonstrations, Ofsted's chief inspector Amanda Spielman said.
Sky News - Published

Majority of headteachers believe Ofsted school grading system is 'unreliable'

The majority of headteachers believe the Ofsted school grading system is "unreliable", according to a survey carried out by a teaching union.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted chief Spielman makes grade onto BBC chair shortlist

The outgoing chief of Ofsted is among the candidates for one of the biggest jobs in British broadcasting after being included on the shortlist to chair the BBC.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted seen as 'not fit for purpose' and schools should self-evaluate instead, inquiry says

Ofsted is seen as "not fit for purpose" and schools should "self-evaluate their progress" instead, an inquiry has said.
Sky News - Published

School run by teacher who took own life after Ofsted inspection is upgraded

A school run by a headteacher who took her own life after it was downgraded by Ofsted has now been rated as good.
Sky News - Published

Labour to propose annual Ofsted inspections in education overhaul

The Labour Party has set out plans for annual Ofsted inspections and an alternative grading system as part of its mission to overhaul education, Sky News has been told.
Sky News - Published

Badenoch demands snap inspection of school at centre of 'cat gender' row

badenoch demands snap inspection of school at centre of 'cat gender' row
A snap Ofsted inspection should be conducted at a school where a pupil was reported to have identified as a cat, a senior minister has said.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted unveils reforms after headteacher took her own life - but critics say more must be done

ofsted unveils reforms after headteacher took her own life - but critics say more must be done
The sister of a teacher who killed herself after her school was downgraded by Ofsted says newly announced reforms of the inspection system do not go far enough.
Sky News - Published

Headteachers face 'sleepless nights' and 'panic' waiting for Ofsted

headteachers face 'sleepless nights' and 'panic' waiting for ofsted
School leaders are facing sleepless nights as they wait for an Ofsted inspection - with distress and complaints over the process "not being a new phenomenon" since the death of a headteacher in..
Sky News - Published

Refuse to be complicit in Ofsted's 'reign of terror', sister of dead headteacher urges inspectors

refuse to be complicit in ofsted's 'reign of terror', sister of dead headteacher urges inspectors
School leaders who work as Ofsted inspectors should refuse to be complicit in the watchdog's "reign of terror" and hand in their badges, the sister of a headteacher who took her own life has said.
Sky News - Published

Ofsted says one-word ratings to stay after headteacher's death

ofsted says one-word ratings to stay after headteacher's death
Schools watchdog Ofsted has been accused of failing to make "meaningful" inspection reforms following the death of a headteacher - as it refused to drop one-word ratings despite calls for the..
Sky News - Published

Michael Gove backs Ofsted despite criticism following headteacher's death

michael gove backs ofsted despite criticism following headteacher's death
Levelling up secretary Michael Gove has said Ofsted plays a "vital role" in assessing school performance.
Sky News - Published

Stopping school inspections not in children's best interests, says Ofsted

stopping school inspections not in children's best interests, says ofsted
Stopping or preventing school inspections would not be in "children's best interests", Ofsted has said.
Sky News - Published

School which 'refused entry' to Ofsted over headteacher's death facing inspection

school which 'refused entry' to ofsted over headteacher's death facing inspection
An Ofsted inspection is set to go ahead at a school which planned to "refuse entry" to the watchdog following the death of headteacher Ruth Perry.
Sky News - Published

Devastated family blame headteacher's death on 'deeply harmful' pressure of Ofsted inspection

The sister of a headteacher who took her own life after a critical Ofsted report has said her death was the "direct result" of the pressure put on her by the "deeply harmful" inspection.
Sky News - Published

'I'm taking the stand!' Headteacher to refuse Ofsted inspection following Ruth Perry death

'i'm taking the stand!' headteacher to refuse ofsted inspection following ruth perry death
A headteacher has said she will refuse an Ofsted inspection following the death of fellow principal Ruth Perry.
Sky News - Published

Hundreds of 'outstanding' schools not inspected for years have got worse

hundreds of 'outstanding' schools not inspected for years have got worse
Hundreds of English schools previously rated "outstanding" have been downgraded by Ofsted after their first inspections in years.
Sky News - Published

Ukraine a 'stark reminder COVID has no monopoly on creating fear and concern', headteachers told

ukraine a 'stark reminder covid has no monopoly on creating fear and concern', headteachers told
Headteachers will need to help pupils understand complex global issues such as the crisis in Ukraine, the head of Ofsted has said.
Sky News - Published

Nearly half of 'outstanding' schools downgraded this term by Ofsted

nearly half of 'outstanding' schools downgraded this term by ofsted
Nearly half of "outstanding" schools have been downgraded by Ofsted this term, data shows.
Sky News - Published

Top grammar school threatened with funding withdrawal over 'hostile environment' of sexism and racism

top grammar school threatened with funding withdrawal over 'hostile environment' of sexism and racism
A top grammar school in Essex has been threatened with having its funding agreement withdrawn after Ofsted found "a significant number" of students felt unsafe and were subject to sexist and racist..
Sky News - Published