Bollywood's beloved veteran actor, Dharmendra, celebrated his 89th birthday in style, surrounded by fans and media outside his Mumbai residence. This iconic actor's journey in Bollywood spans over six decades, with a filmography that boasts some of the most memorable movies in Indian cinema. Born on...
Whitesnake and Thin Lizzy guitarist John Sykes dies at 65. According to a statement on his website, the legendary guitarist passed away after a 'hard fought battle with cancer.' Sykes' career took off..
Cynthia Erivo collaborates on a new song for Wicked sequel It's confirmed Wicked: For Good will have two original numbers, one of them co-written by Cynthia Erivo and Stephen Schwartz. No title of the..
Goo Goo Dolls frontman John Rzeznik hospitalized with pneumonia, band postpones South African tour dates. The band went public with news of Rzeznik's condition in a social media post earlier today,..
Dharmendra looked stylish in a brown shirt, black leather jacket, and black hat. Sunny and Bobby opted for casual attire, beaming with joy as their father cut... DNA