Actress Tamannaah Bhatia virtually wished her parents a Happy New Year, sharing heartfelt moments despite being away. While on vacation with her friends, the actress took to social media to offer a glimpse of her virtual celebrations with her parents. She shared a photo from her video call session on...
The actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently took to her official Instagram account and dropped a fresh string of pictures. The photographs feature the diva having a gala time with her husband and little..
Sreeleela, who recently stole the spotlight with her energetic performance in the song "Kissik" from "Pushsha: The Rule", has kicked off the new year on a grateful note. Taking to Instagram, the..
Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and shared how her elder son Tamiur does her “seva”. In the three pictures of Taimur walking with her stilettos as his back faces the camera. In..