Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced an ex-gratia payment of Rs 2 lakh for the families of Indian nationals who perished in the tragic fire incident in Kuwait. The devastating blaze, which occurred in the Mangaf area, claimed the lives of at least 49 individuals, predominantly Indians, and left...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Kuwait, met with Abdullah Al Baroun and Abdul Lateef Al Nesef, the individuals behind the Arabic translations of India's epic tales, the Ramayana and Mahabharata. In a heartfelt gesture, PM Modi signed copies of these translated works and expressed his admiration for their cultural significance. The visit also included interactions with the vibrant Indian diaspora in Kuwait, strengthening India-Kuwait ties. Watch this video to delve into the cultural and diplomatic importance of this meeting and how India’s heritage is resonating globally.
#PMModi #Ramayana #Mahabharata #KuwaitVisit #IndianCulture #Diplomacy #IndianDiaspora #ArabicTranslation #IndiaKuwaitRelations #CulturalExchange #ModiInKuwait
Latest Updates On Kuwait Building Fire: To oversee Indians affected by the incident the Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Kirti Vardhan Singh, is... Zee News
Latest Updates On Kuwait Building Fire: To oversee Indians affected by the incident the Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Kirti Vardhan Singh, is... Zee News
Minister of state for external affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh arrived in Kuwait to oversee aid for victims of a tragic apartment fire in Mangaf, which killed around... IndiaTimes