Telugu actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in connection with the tragic stampede that occurred at the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule in Hyderabad. The incident, which took place outside the Sandhya Theatre, resulted in the death of a woman named Revathy and left her son severely injured. Following...
Allu Arjun is being questioned by the Hyderabad police in connection with the December 4 stampede at Sandhya Theatre, where a woman died and her son was injured. The incident occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule, when a large crowd gathered to see the actor, triggering chaos. The actor had been briefly arrested on December 13 but was granted bail. The controversy surrounding the incident has sparked political debates and protests, including vandalism at his residence.
#AlluArjun #SandhyaTheatre #Pushpa2 #Hyderabad #Stampede #FanCrowd #PoliceQuestioning #PoliticalControversy #TeluguCinema #Pushpa2Premiere #Oneindia #OneindiaNews #Bollywood
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Allu Arjun Appears Before Police In Sandhya Theatre Stampede Case: Statement Recorded ::
In an emotional press conference, Allu Arjun addresses the tragic stampede at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule, which resulted in the death of a 35-year-old woman. The actor, who was briefly arrested in connection with the incident, speaks out about the overwhelming miscommunication and the personal toll it has taken on him. Watch as Allu Arjun breaks down in tears, sharing his deepest feelings about the incident, the impact on his reputation, and his struggle with public judgment. A raw, emotional moment as the superstar opens up about his pain and humanity.
#AlluArjun #SandhyaTheatreStampede #Pushpa2 #EmotionalPressConference #ActorConfession #StampedeTragedy #AlluArjunSpeech #HumanityOverJudgment #EntertainmentNews #TeluguCinema #BollywoodNews
Allu Arjun, the Telugu superstar, has returned home after being granted interim bail in connection with the tragic stampede that occurred during the premiere of his much-anticipated film Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 4. In this video, we break down all the latest developments surrounding the case, including Allu Arjun’s first statement after his arrest, his condolences for the victims, and his promise to cooperate fully with the ongoing police investigation. Watch now to learn more about the incident and its aftermath.
#AlluArjun #Pushpa2 #Pushpa2Premiere #Stampede #AlluArjunReturn #InterimBail #TeluguCinema #Pushpa2TheRule #HyderabadNews #FilmPremiereTragedy #BreakingNews #TeluguSuperstar #Pushpa2Case
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In a shocking turn of events, Allu Arjun has been detained by the police following a tragic stampede that occurred at the premiere of his highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2, in Hyderabad. The incident, which has left multiple people injured and several feared dead, unfolded as an overwhelming crowd gathered outside the venue, eager to catch a glimpse of the star. Authorities have launched an investigation into the causes of the chaos, with early reports suggesting inadequate crowd control measures and a lack of proper security arrangements.
#AlluArjun #Pushpa2Premiere #HyderabadStampede #Pushpa2Tragedy #AlluArjunArrested #HyderabadTragedy #CrowdControlFailure #Pushpa2Chaos #FilmPremiereDisaster #CelebrityEventSafety #Pushpa2Shock #HyderabadIncident #StampedeTragedy #Pushpa2PremiereDrama #CelebrityResponsibility #EventSecurityIssues
A chilling voyeurism case has rocked a private engineering college in Hyderabad. Two cooking staff members were arrested for allegedly filming female students in their hostel washrooms, sparking massive protests. The college's principal, director, and chairman were also booked for their alleged negligence and attempts to suppress the issue. The victims, including minors, have demanded justice as police continue their investigation. Watch the full story to uncover the shocking details of this breach of trust and privacy.
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Hyderabad is buzzing with excitement as residents eagerly await the Christmas celebrations. From heartwarming Christmas carols to festive decorations, the city is gearing up for a joyful holiday season. Schools in Hyderabad and surrounding districts will enjoy a 4-day break next week, as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day are marked with holidays. With Christmas Eve being an optional holiday, many schools will observe either two or three days off, leaving students and teachers with a much-needed break. Watch as the city prepares for the birth of Jesus Christ with community spirit, carols, and holiday cheer.
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Telangana is pioneering a green revolution under CM Revanth Reddy’s visionary leadership. Landmark initiatives like the Hydra Project have restored 75 lakes and drawn back migratory birds, including the rare Red-Breasted Flycatcher. With over 3,000 electric buses, afforestation drives, sustainable housing, and integrated waste management, Hyderabad is becoming a model green city. Eco-tourism projects and solar energy integration highlight Telangana’s commitment to sustainability. Reddy’s focus on urban planning, pollution control, and renewable energy proves that economic growth and environmental stewardship can coexist seamlessly.
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