22nd Congressional District Race
22nd Congressional District Race
Proceedings by the Boards of Election in three of the eight counties making up the 22nd Congressional District are resuming today.
22nd congressional district areresumn county and oswego county resumed at 9-am this mnring.
Herkimer county will resume at 2:00 this afternoon.
The other five counties, including oneida county will rsume over the next two days.
A new york state supreme couert judge set this schedule last week.
What the boards of election are now doing is holding meetings with representatives of both incumbent anthony brindisi and challener claudia tenney, who leads the votes county currently by just 12 votes.
The boards of electin will go over prior objections and challenges to envelops and ballots, and to canvass all affidavit, absentee, military and special ballots, including those that were administratively rejected that were not previously properly canvassed.
Here is a look at the complete schedule.
Again, madison and oswego counties tsrat edthis morning at 9:00.
Herkimer county will resume at 2:00 this afternoon.
Broome county and tioga county will resume tomorrow.
And oneida, cortland and chenago county will resume on wednesday.
The next court date in the case is set for friday.
An old factory building near the new downtown hospital