Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, along with fellow ministers Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Dharmendra Pradhan, participated in the ‘Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman’ padyatra program on November 25. The event marks the 75th anniversary of the Indian Constitution and aims to promote awareness about constitutional rights. Mandaviya also planted saplings to honor the contributions of women members of the Constituent Assembly. The campaign, which has seen regional events like the Bikaner inauguration by the Chief Justice of India, continues to spread awareness about legal rights and constitutional duties. The event also launched the Samvidhan Katta magazine and a special comic book showcasing beneficiaries of legal aid programs.
#HamaraSamvidhan #MansukhMandaviya #IndianConstitution #LegalRights #Padyatra #SamvidhanKatta #ConstitutionAwareness #Constitution75 #LegalAid #WomenInConstitution #SaplingPlantation #Bikaner #Rajasthan #JusticeForAll #NyayaBandhu #DISHA #IITGuwahati #TeleLaw
Global leaders expressed mixed reactions to Donald Trump’s second-term inauguration. Ukrainian President Zelensky emphasized peace through strength, while NATO highlighted increased defense spending. Israel’s Netanyahu celebrated a stronger alliance, and India’s Modi expressed enthusiasm for renewed collaboration. EU and Germany emphasized transatlantic ties, while Canada highlighted economic partnership amid tariff concerns. Trump’s return reignites international focus on diplomacy, alliances, and shared prosperity across the globe.
#TrumpReturn #WorldReacts #GlobalLeaders #TrumpInauguration #PeaceThroughStrength #USAlliances #IsraelUS #NATOStrategy #IndiaUSFriendship #EUUSPartnership #TransatlanticRelations #TrumpPolicy #InternationalFocus #USGlobalLeadership #UkrainePeace #CanadaUSPartnership #TrumpGlobalImpact #DiplomacyMatters #SecondTermTrump #GlobalCooperation
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