Rev 21. One faith, from God Christianity, is as high as the heavens above the religions of men

Rev 21. One faith, from God Christianity, is as high as the heavens above the religions of men
All Bible prophecies point toward the last days or end times of great spiritual enlightenment, freedom, and salvation brought down from heaven Dan.
2:44; 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; James 5:7-11.
This means that the Bible from God, the Royal Law of Agape Love, the Bible of one faith from God Christianity is now being restored by the removal or breaking of the seven lies/wiles/seals that Satan utilizes while pretending to be God 2 Thess.
2:3-4 to rule over the kingdoms of men by persuading us that the ways of men are as good as the ways of God, stealing our peace and sanity Rev.
5:1ff; 6:4.
The second coming of the ways of God, is as high as the heavens above the ways of men Isa.
55:8ff, exceeding abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Eph.
In 43 years, when fully restored, we will be in the kingdom of heaven with every spiritual blessing in Christ including the good shepherd, the Father of all comforts and mercies, the Great physician, etc.
The meek will inherit the new heaven and the new earth.
Christ will resume His reign over the Kingdom of Heaven.
One faith, from God, Christianity will continue for about 720 years during the great wedding feast.
The Bible from God is so powerful, that it had to be hidden away because of free moral agency, so that Christ could be murdered by men, and men could try and destroy the world so we can now fight the good fight of faith 1 Cor.
We needed to go through the school of hard knocks before the first and now the second coming of the ways of God James 5:7-11.
Men needed to learn how desperately we need supernatural objective truth and agape Love from God to save us from ourselves.
The Lord God almighty determines who and when those whom He has called will understand the difference between the wisdom from above and the wisdom from below 1 Cor.
2:6-16 or the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matt.