Gaming, Pop Culture News, And Pokémon

Gaming, Pop Culture News, And Pokémon
Grinding a bit in Pokémon Scarlet while covering the Gaming and Pop Culture News.
Today's topic are, Donald Southerlands passing, Disney Exposed by Jame O'Keefe, Bob Iger is exhausted and overwhelmed, Marty O'Donnell for Congress, @ReviewTechUSA vs.
@youngrippa59 , Wonder Woman eating rats, Assassin's Creed steals banner from reenactment group, @kotaku employee is bugging @SmashJT , @AlyssaMarcante makes Elden Ring DLC her personal Journal, Game Dev complains about making only certain type of black women, Full Metal Jacket losing it's normal cover just to get it back, Sweet Baby Inc Detected reaches 400K members on Steam, and Marvel's Wolverine is ugly.