The ArchCast#112 No Hablo Orc - The Disney Tapes And Square Enix Recoils From Sweet Baby Inc

The ArchCast#112 No Hablo Orc - The Disney Tapes And Square Enix Recoils From Sweet Baby Inc
Back in the day the Orc was a bestial thing!
A monster from the hinterlands come to burn and destroy!
In their highly finite wisdom Wizards of the Coasts heard that and thought Mexicans!
As the new Dungeons and Dragons greenskin stand ins have fare more in common with your every day lover of Tortilla then they do with Gruumsh.
In other news that we already knew!
The Disney tapes provides yet another point of evidence that Disney is a very progressive company indeed!
And on the note of progressives Sweet Baby inc has successfully been painted in the appropriate colors as their name inspires mistrust and disquietude in the ranks as Square Enix becomes nervous.